Blood test

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High eosinophil count in the blood

Blood test
High eosinophil count in the blood
Last update: 04/03/2021

What is a high count of eosinophils in the blood called?

  • Eosinophilia

What is the normal count of eosinophils in the blood?

If you need to know which are the eosinophils reference ranges or you require more information about the role of eosinophils in the blood, you can visit normal eosinophil count in the blood

What does a high count of eosinophils in the blood mean?

An increase in the total circulating eosinophils in the blood is called eosinophilia. Eosinophils are a type of WBC (White Blood Cell) than belongs to the immune system.

The increase of total eosinophil count is usually seen also in the percentage of eosinophils of the total WBC count. It will be above the 7% but it is better to make the study based on the total eosinophil count.

The most frequent causes of eosinophilia are due to:

  • Parasitic infestations caused by worms such as nematodes (trichinosis, ancylostomiasis, filariasis, etc.), cestodes (tapeworms), trematodes (schistosomiasis) or arthropods (scabies).
  • Allergic reactions: asthma, allergic rhinitis or eosinophilic esophagitis.
  • Chronic skin diseases: atopic dermatitis, pemphigus, urticaria, dermatitis herpetiformis, eczema, etc.
  • Hodgkin's disease and myeloproliferative disorders, chronic myeloid leukemia, chronic eosinophilic leukemia and hypereosinophilic syndrome.

Eosinophilia in adults can be classified into mild (from 500 to 1500 /µL), moderate (from 1500 to 5000 /µL) or severe (above 5000 /µL)

  • Mild eosinophilia (500 - 1500 /µl in adults):

    A mild eosinophilia is not usually a matter for concern.

    There are many reasons behind a mild eosinophilia but the most common ones are:v

    • Allergies: Asthma, allergic rhinitis or eosinophilic esophagitis. In this case, an increase of eosinophils up to 1500 per microliter is common.
    • Parasitic disease: In most cases, there is no increase above 1500 per microliter except in ancylostomiasis where eosinophil count may be around 3000 per microliter. If monocytes and basophils in the blood are also high, a parasitic infestation is the main possibility.
    • Skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis, urticaria, eczema or pemphigus, cause a mild eosinophilia.
    • Medication: Use of certain drugs such as antibiotics or antiepileptic increase the eosinophil count.
  • Moderate eosinophilia (1500 - 5000 /µl in adults):

    When the eosinophil count is above 1500 per microliter is called hypereosinophilia.

    It is important to schedule an appointment with your doctor. Maybe you have no symptoms but a moderate eosinophilia can damage organs like heart, lungs, spleen, skin or nervous system.

    Several diseases cause moderate eosinophilia:

    • Parasitic infection: In the case of the infestation was very intense or in the case of ancylostomiasis.
    • Allergic diseases such as Quincke’s edema or serum sickness show a transient peak of around 2000 per microliter.
    • Patients undergoing radiotherapy usually show an eosinophil count between 1000 and 2500 eosinophils per microliter.
  • Severe eosinophilia (> 5000 /µl in adults):

    A severe eosinophilia requires immediate medical attention.

    If there is a severe parasitic infection, eosinophil count may reach up to 50000 eosinophils per microliter.

    Some blood disorders such as hypereosinophilic syndrome or eosinophilic leukemia a run with severe eosinophilia. A value over 15000 is a sign to consider this possibility.

    If eosinophil count overcome the 100000 per microliter, eosinophils may aggregate to form coronary thrombi. In this case, it is necessary to be hospitalized.

    Some congenital diseases cause severe eosinophilia such as Wells syndrome (eosinophilic cellulitis) or Shulman’s syndrome (eosinophilic fasciitis).

Which factors can increase the eosinophil count in the blood?

There are some health circumstances and several drugs than can raise your eosinophil count:

  • Insect bites
  • Snakebite
  • Radiation therapy
  • Drugs
    • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
      • Ibuprofen
      • Naproxen
      • Sulfasalazine
    • Antacids
      • Lansoprazole
      • Omeprazole
    • Antibiotics
      • Cephalosporin
      • Ciprofloxacin
      • Dapsone
      • Minocycline
      • Nitrofurantoin
      • Penicillin
      • Sulfonamide
      • Teicoplanin
      • Vancomycin
    • Antineoplastics
      • Procarbazine
    • Anti-diabetic medication
      • Chlorpropamide
    • Antiepileptic drugs
      • Valproate
      • Carbamazepine
      • Phenytoin
      • Phenobarbital
      • Lamotrigine
    • Antihypertensives
      • Methyldopa
    • Antipsychotics
      • Chlorpromazine
    • Antituberculars
      • Rifampicin
    • Bacteriostatic agent
      • Chloramphenicol
    • ACE inhibitor
      • Captopril
      • Enalapril
    • Nafarelin
    • Uricosuric
      • Allopurinol

Which diseases can increase your eosinophil count in the blood?

An eosinophil count higher than normal may be a sign of the following diseases:

  • Helminthiasis
  • Trichinosis
  • Ancylostomiasis
  • Filariasis
  • Schistosomiasis
  • Ascariasis
  • Anisakis
  • Hydatid disease
  • Scabies
  • Asthma
  • Allergic rhinitis
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Eosinophilic esophagitis
  • Urticaria
  • Eczema
  • Ichthyosis
  • Pemphigus
  • Psoriasis
  • Hereditary angioedema
  • Dermatitis herpetiformis
  • Prurigo nodularis
  • Serum sickness

What can I do to lower the eosinophil count in the blood?

If there is a mild transient eosinophilia with no symptom, no action is necessary. The count probably will return to normal in the following test.

On the other hand is there is a moderate or severe eosinophilia you should visit your doctor and ask about the medication you are taking. Several drugs may raise the eosinophil count.

If there is an underlying cause, for example a parasitic infestation it is necessary to treat and solve previously this disease.

Corticosteroids reduce the eosinophils in the blood. If your doctor considers it appropriate he may prescribe them to you.

Where can I find more information about eosinophil count in the blood?

You can visit our pages about:

Which values are considered a high eosinophil count in the blood?

The following values are considered to be above the normal range:

IMPORTANT: These levels are expressed in number /µl (microliter). They are an example of a healthy white man/woman of about 45 years old with no known disease and not taking any medication. The ranges can be different depending on the laboratory or on your personal circumstances.

Mild eosinophilia
502 /µl504 /µl506 /µl508 /µl510 /µl512 /µl514 /µl516 /µl
518 /µl520 /µl522 /µl524 /µl526 /µl528 /µl530 /µl532 /µl
534 /µl536 /µl538 /µl540 /µl542 /µl544 /µl546 /µl548 /µl
550 /µl552 /µl554 /µl556 /µl558 /µl560 /µl562 /µl564 /µl
566 /µl568 /µl570 /µl572 /µl574 /µl576 /µl578 /µl580 /µl
582 /µl584 /µl586 /µl588 /µl590 /µl592 /µl594 /µl596 /µl
598 /µl600 /µl602 /µl604 /µl606 /µl608 /µl610 /µl612 /µl
614 /µl616 /µl618 /µl620 /µl622 /µl624 /µl626 /µl628 /µl
630 /µl632 /µl634 /µl636 /µl638 /µl640 /µl642 /µl644 /µl
646 /µl648 /µl650 /µl652 /µl654 /µl656 /µl658 /µl660 /µl
662 /µl664 /µl666 /µl668 /µl670 /µl672 /µl674 /µl676 /µl
678 /µl680 /µl682 /µl684 /µl686 /µl688 /µl690 /µl692 /µl
694 /µl696 /µl698 /µl700 /µl702 /µl704 /µl706 /µl708 /µl
710 /µl712 /µl714 /µl716 /µl718 /µl720 /µl722 /µl724 /µl
726 /µl728 /µl730 /µl732 /µl734 /µl736 /µl738 /µl740 /µl
742 /µl744 /µl746 /µl748 /µl750 /µl752 /µl754 /µl756 /µl
758 /µl760 /µl762 /µl764 /µl766 /µl768 /µl770 /µl772 /µl
774 /µl776 /µl778 /µl780 /µl782 /µl784 /µl786 /µl788 /µl
790 /µl792 /µl794 /µl796 /µl798 /µl800 /µl802 /µl804 /µl
806 /µl808 /µl810 /µl812 /µl814 /µl816 /µl818 /µl820 /µl
822 /µl824 /µl826 /µl828 /µl830 /µl832 /µl834 /µl836 /µl
838 /µl840 /µl842 /µl844 /µl846 /µl848 /µl850 /µl852 /µl
854 /µl856 /µl858 /µl860 /µl862 /µl864 /µl866 /µl868 /µl
870 /µl872 /µl874 /µl876 /µl878 /µl880 /µl882 /µl884 /µl
886 /µl888 /µl890 /µl892 /µl894 /µl896 /µl898 /µl900 /µl
902 /µl904 /µl906 /µl908 /µl910 /µl912 /µl914 /µl916 /µl
918 /µl920 /µl922 /µl924 /µl926 /µl928 /µl930 /µl932 /µl
934 /µl936 /µl938 /µl940 /µl942 /µl944 /µl946 /µl948 /µl
950 /µl952 /µl954 /µl956 /µl958 /µl960 /µl962 /µl964 /µl
966 /µl968 /µl970 /µl972 /µl974 /µl976 /µl978 /µl980 /µl
982 /µl984 /µl986 /µl988 /µl990 /µl992 /µl994 /µl996 /µl
998 /µl1000 /µl1002 /µl1004 /µl1006 /µl1008 /µl1010 /µl1012 /µl
1014 /µl1016 /µl1018 /µl1020 /µl1022 /µl1024 /µl1026 /µl1028 /µl
1030 /µl1032 /µl1034 /µl1036 /µl1038 /µl1040 /µl1042 /µl1044 /µl
1046 /µl1048 /µl1050 /µl1052 /µl1054 /µl1056 /µl1058 /µl1060 /µl
1062 /µl1064 /µl1066 /µl1068 /µl1070 /µl1072 /µl1074 /µl1076 /µl
1078 /µl1080 /µl1082 /µl1084 /µl1086 /µl1088 /µl1090 /µl1092 /µl
1094 /µl1096 /µl1098 /µl1100 /µl1102 /µl1104 /µl1106 /µl1108 /µl
1110 /µl1112 /µl1114 /µl1116 /µl1118 /µl1120 /µl1122 /µl1124 /µl
1126 /µl1128 /µl1130 /µl1132 /µl1134 /µl1136 /µl1138 /µl1140 /µl
1142 /µl1144 /µl1146 /µl1148 /µl1150 /µl1152 /µl1154 /µl1156 /µl
1158 /µl1160 /µl1162 /µl1164 /µl1166 /µl1168 /µl1170 /µl1172 /µl
1174 /µl1176 /µl1178 /µl1180 /µl1182 /µl1184 /µl1186 /µl1188 /µl
1190 /µl1192 /µl1194 /µl1196 /µl1198 /µl1200 /µl1202 /µl1204 /µl
1206 /µl1208 /µl1210 /µl1212 /µl1214 /µl1216 /µl1218 /µl1220 /µl
1222 /µl1224 /µl1226 /µl1228 /µl1230 /µl1232 /µl1234 /µl1236 /µl
1238 /µl1240 /µl1242 /µl1244 /µl1246 /µl1248 /µl1250 /µl1252 /µl
1254 /µl1256 /µl1258 /µl1260 /µl1262 /µl1264 /µl1266 /µl1268 /µl
1270 /µl1272 /µl1274 /µl1276 /µl1278 /µl1280 /µl1282 /µl1284 /µl
1286 /µl1288 /µl1290 /µl1292 /µl1294 /µl1296 /µl1298 /µl1300 /µl
1302 /µl1304 /µl1306 /µl1308 /µl1310 /µl1312 /µl1314 /µl1316 /µl
1318 /µl1320 /µl1322 /µl1324 /µl1326 /µl1328 /µl1330 /µl1332 /µl
1334 /µl1336 /µl1338 /µl1340 /µl1342 /µl1344 /µl1346 /µl1348 /µl
1350 /µl1352 /µl1354 /µl1356 /µl1358 /µl1360 /µl1362 /µl1364 /µl
1366 /µl1368 /µl1370 /µl1372 /µl1374 /µl1376 /µl1378 /µl1380 /µl
1382 /µl1384 /µl1386 /µl1388 /µl1390 /µl1392 /µl1394 /µl1396 /µl
1398 /µl1400 /µl1402 /µl1404 /µl1406 /µl1408 /µl1410 /µl1412 /µl
1414 /µl1416 /µl1418 /µl1420 /µl1422 /µl1424 /µl1426 /µl1428 /µl
1430 /µl1432 /µl1434 /µl1436 /µl1438 /µl1440 /µl1442 /µl1444 /µl
1446 /µl1448 /µl1450 /µl1452 /µl1454 /µl1456 /µl1458 /µl1460 /µl
1462 /µl1464 /µl1466 /µl1468 /µl1470 /µl1472 /µl1474 /µl1476 /µl
1478 /µl1480 /µl1482 /µl1484 /µl1486 /µl1488 /µl1490 /µl1492 /µl
1494 /µl1496 /µl1498 /µl1500 /µl    
Moderate eosinophilia
1502 /µl1504 /µl1506 /µl1508 /µl1510 /µl1512 /µl1514 /µl1516 /µl
1518 /µl1520 /µl1522 /µl1524 /µl1526 /µl1528 /µl1530 /µl1532 /µl
1534 /µl1536 /µl1538 /µl1540 /µl1542 /µl1544 /µl1546 /µl1548 /µl
1550 /µl1552 /µl1554 /µl1556 /µl1558 /µl1560 /µl1562 /µl1564 /µl
1566 /µl1568 /µl1570 /µl1572 /µl1574 /µl1576 /µl1578 /µl1580 /µl
Medically reviewed by our Medical staff on 04/03/2021


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  • A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Test. 9th edition. Frances Fischbach. Marshall B. Dunning III. 2014. Pag 75. ISBN-10: 1451190891.
  • Laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures with nursing diagnoses (8th ed), Jane Vincent Corbett, Angela Denise Banks, ISBN: 978-0-13-237332-6, Pag. 51.
  • Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE). Version 5.0.Published: November 27, 2017. U.S. Department of health and human Services. Available on:

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