Blood test

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High MCHC level in the blood

Blood test
High MCHC level in the blood
Last update: 11/01/2021

What is a low MCHC called?

  • MCHC high

What is the normal MCHC level in the blood?

If you need to know which are the MCHC reference ranges or you require more information about the role of MCHC in the blood, you can visit normal MCHC level in the blood

What does a high MCHC mean?

MCHC means Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration. It is measured in g/dl and indicates that the amount of hemoglobin per unit volume is higher than normal.

A high MCHC means that hemoglobin is more concentrated in the RBCs than usual and may occur in some type of hemolytic anemia (hereditary spherocytosis, sickle cell disease, autoimmune hemolytic anemia) and in severe burns.

The elevated MCHC value is of special relevance to identifying hereditary spherocytosis.

A high MCHC level in the blood means:

  • Mild MCHC increase (36 - 37 g/dl in adults):

    A mild MCHC increase is common in hereditary spherocytosis, a genetic disease where RBCs are sphere-shaped rather than bi-concave.

    It may be due also to sickle cell disease.

  • Severe MCHC increase (> 37 g/dl in adults) :

    RBCs cannot accommodate more than 37 g/dL. For that reason, a MCHC value over 37 g/dl it is usually a sign of an error in the electronic cell counters or due to an interference.

    The MCHC may be falsely high in the presence of lipemia, cold agglutinins, or rouleaux and with high heparin concentrations.

    MCHC may be falsely increased due to cold agglutinin disease and show spurious value increases around 50g/dl or 60 g/dl.

Which factors can raise the MCHC in a blood test?

There are some health circumstances than may raise your MCHC level in the blood:

  • Burns

Which diseases can raise your MCHC in a blood test?

The most common diseases why the MCHC can be higher than normal are:

  • Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
  • Congenital xerocytosis

What can I do to lower the MCHC?

The diseases that usually cause an increase in MCHC level are genetic disorders and therefore it is difficult to reverse MCHC values.

The most effective way to reverse the MCHC is to identify the underlying cause and try to find the appropriate treatment.

Where can I find more information about MCHC level in the blood?

You can visit our pages about:

Which values are considered a high MCHC level in the blood?

The following values are considered to be above the normal range:

IMPORTANT: These levels are expressed in g/dl. They are an example of a healthy woman of about 45 years old with no known disease and not taking any medication. The ranges can be different depending on the laboratory or on your personal circumstances.

Mild MCHC increase
36.1 g/dl36.2 g/dl36.3 g/dl36.4 g/dl36.5 g/dl36.6 g/dl36.7 g/dl36.8 g/dl
36.9 g/dl37 g/dl      
Severe MCHC increase
37.1 g/dl37.2 g/dl37.3 g/dl37.4 g/dl37.5 g/dl37.6 g/dl37.7 g/dl37.8 g/dl
37.9 g/dl38 g/dl38.1 g/dl38.2 g/dl38.3 g/dl38.4 g/dl38.5 g/dl38.6 g/dl
38.7 g/dl38.8 g/dl38.9 g/dl39 g/dl39.1 g/dl39.2 g/dl39.3 g/dl39.4 g/dl
39.5 g/dl39.6 g/dl39.7 g/dl39.8 g/dl39.9 g/dl40 g/dl40.1 g/dl40.2 g/dl
40.3 g/dl40.4 g/dl40.5 g/dl40.6 g/dl40.7 g/dl40.8 g/dl40.9 g/dl41 g/dl
41.1 g/dl41.2 g/dl41.3 g/dl41.4 g/dl41.5 g/dl41.6 g/dl41.7 g/dl41.8 g/dl
41.9 g/dl42 g/dl42.1 g/dl42.2 g/dl42.3 g/dl42.4 g/dl42.5 g/dl42.6 g/dl
42.7 g/dl42.8 g/dl42.9 g/dl43 g/dl43.1 g/dl43.2 g/dl43.3 g/dl43.4 g/dl
43.5 g/dl43.6 g/dl43.7 g/dl43.8 g/dl43.9 g/dl44 g/dl44.1 g/dl44.2 g/dl
44.3 g/dl44.4 g/dl44.5 g/dl44.6 g/dl44.7 g/dl44.8 g/dl44.9 g/dl45 g/dl
Medically reviewed by our Medical staff on 11/01/2021


  • Concise Book of Medical Laboratory Technology: Methods and Interpretations. 2nd Edition. 2015. Ramnik Sood. ISBN: 978-93-5152-333-8. Pag. 217.
  • A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Test. 9th edition. Frances Fischbach. Marshall B. Dunning III. 2014. Pag 99. ISBN-10: 1451190891
  • Laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures with nursing diagnoses (8th ed), Jane Vincent Corbett, Angela Denise Banks, ISBN: 978-0-13-237332-6, Pag. 35.

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